Smart Home Technology Includes Smart Nurseries

When you think of smart home technology, you probably restrict your thinking to your living room or home movie theater. But the truth is, smart home technology can be applied to all rooms of your house, including your baby’s nursery. In a nutshell, home automation is the use of technology to automate your house so you can control nearly every aspect through the Internet of Things (IoT). If a newborn just recently joined your household, congratulations! This can be an exciting, albeit exhausting and stressful time. A lot of that stress stems from safety concerns, but with the implementation of smart nurseries, you as parents can rest easy. Here’s how you can benefit from smart home automation when it comes to the baby’s room. Video Monitors: Baby monitors have revolutionized the industry, as they allow parents to see what their baby is doing just by glancing at a monitor from another room. Instead of just listening to your infant, now you can visually check on their status no matter where you are in the home or yard. You can connect the monitors to your smart phone and control them via an app. Smart Rocking: Endless sleepless nights for parents could […]

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