Gregory Frasca

Gregory Frasca

Gregory Frasca

With over 30 years of experience in the technology sector, Greg's love and appetite for learning drives him to stay relevant and considered a subject matter expert by his peers in today’s innovative technology. He has also established himself as an industry thought leader and has received a number of recognitions and awards for driving growth and has led both his own and other companies to liquidity events. He enjoys providing mentorship and advising early-stage entrepreneurs throughout the United States and speaks at events to promote innovation and entrepreneurship.

His technical proficiencies include Advanced AV Systems, Digital Media, IPTV and many aspects of wireless communications. He has been involved in many large-scale deployments across a variety of vertical markets including hospitality, enterprise, healthcare, sports, higher education and both Federal & State government.

He has served on several Boards and Advisory Councils and continues to remain involved in various industry associations and continues stewardship in a number of charitable organizations with his volunteer efforts and philanthropic endowments.

Greg is a shore resident of Monmouth County. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his family, travelling and sharing a great Italian meal with friends.