Smart Home Technology Includes Kitchens

Last month, we talked about smart home technology in regards to baby nurseries. This month, we’ll talk about how home automation can be extended to kitchens. If you’re interested in learning how you can make your kitchen smarter, read on.

  • Smart Refrigerators: These appliances can tell you the frequency of access, alert you when a door is left open, and inform you which foods you’re running low on. Some models feature monitors that stream TV. Some smart refrigerators display this information just on the unit, while others send the information to an app that you can control. These app-compatible refrigerators can run diagnostics and let you know if there is an issue.
  • Smart Ovens: With smart ovens, you can control your stove and oven no matter where you are. You can even control them through Alexa. You can look up recipes and pre-heat the oven, with no need to press start. With smart ovens, you can control the timer and get a diagnostics report.
  • Smart Dishwashers: These work in the same way as smart ovens and fridges. Use the app to check the status of your wash, be notified when the load is done, and stop/start a load.
  • Smart Laundry: With smart washers and dryers, you can start/stop/pause a load, get notifications on finished loads, check on the status, and run diagnostics from your smart device.
  • Smart Dishes: Smart plates and forks can tell you your calorie intake so you can keep track of your diet through an app.
  • Smart Slow Cookers: Control your crockpot from your tablet or phone to check the temperature, change settings, and switch it on and off. Who knew slow cookers could get any easier?
  • Smart Coffee Pot: Set timers to brew coffee when you want, all from your phone or tablet.
  • Smart Trash Cans: These touch-free, odor controlling garbage bins have a barcode scanner that you can scan when throwing used products away. Your trash can will then add that to your grocery list.
  • Dash Buttons: These allow you to automatically order household products from Amazon. You can place these buttons on your laundry detergent, for example and press it when running low.

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If you want your very own smart kitchen, we can make it happen. Just contact us at 732-924-5900 or fill out our online form.