Smart Home Technology Basics
Smart Home Technology Basics Technology continues to grow and evolve at a fast clip with no signs of slowing. Even though smart home technology has been around for a few years, there’s still so much more to come. If you’re not too familiar with smart home technology, let’s go over the basics. Here are some of the most commonly used smart home options available today: Smart Speakers: Did you know that 39 million Americans have a smart speaker in their homes? Smart speakers are capable of doing much more than playing music; they can also search the Internet, give you the day’s weather, debrief you on the latest news, work as your personal assistant, and more. With the right smart speaker, you are able to control just about every part of your home just by using your voice. Smart TVs: Smart TVs allow you to watch anything you want, whenever you want. whether you have cable or not. When it comes to streaming TV, you have endless options. Your smart TV can stream Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime right from the unit itself, or you can invest in a system that pairs with your standard TV as well as smart […]
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